This is a page of websites, forums, and resources for the Amber Diceless RPG based on Roger Zelazny's Amber novels.

These are a couple of the games I played in (first as Aiden, then as Zulla), which are now defunct. Currently, only Encyclopedia Infernalis is active. There are a number of excellent PBP games being hosted there.
And here is a link to an old Telnet setup for Amber MUD games - STILL ACTIVE apparently!
Many of these were once part of the old Golden Circle webring until it broke up. Some of these sites are still active, or at least occasionally monitored and updated. Some have been abandoned for years...
- In The Shadow Of Greatness - Arref Mak's current blog
- An Amber timeline I found useful
- Roger Zelazny's original map of Amber
- Amber the Eternal City
- Courts of Chaos
- LostWays of Chaos
- A Bride For Merlin
- John's Amber DRPG Front Page
- Sol's Amber Page
- Vortex's Amber
- Marcheurs D'Ombre
- Empire of the Gleaming Banner
- Soulcatcher's amber pages
- Real World
- Zelazny and Amber
- Tony Jones Amber Page
- The Patternwitch Saga
- Nine Princes in Hong Kong
- Forever Far From Home
- Ghosts and Shadows
- Outrageous Fortune
- The Amber Dictionary page
- Theresa's Character Voices
- wikidot - Amber DRPG section
- Blog, Jvstin Style
- All Roads Lead/Jvstin/Strange Bedfellows/Courts of Chaos
- Ma Berry & the Lint King's Amber Bits
- The Shadow Depository
- Amber Online
- The Annotated Amber
- MaBarry's Amber Links
- MaBarry's Amber Links (archived)
- MaBarry's Amber Links: Offerings (Quotes, Humor, Contributions)
- A Clockwork Dreaming
- Have Dice Amber DRPG
- Kadh's Imperial Yuku Board Forums
- Phases of Tir-na Nog'th
- Amber - Ancient Secrets
- Sol and Jeff's Partial Power List
- Lost and Found: An Amber Chronicle
- Loose Ends - an Amber campaign
- The Black Unicorn
- Paths of Blood, Ways of Stone - an Amber PBEM
- The Last Enemy - an Amber campaign
- All Roads Lead...
- On Her Majesty's Service - an Amber PBEM
- The Diners of Amber
- Ambercon US - Amber conventions information
- Amber Tips - Information on playing and running Amber games
- Amber Geography
- Castle Amber Library
- The Golden Circle (archived) - until 2009 it was a web ring for Amber sites
- Kris' Amber Links
- AMBER DICELESS Core Rulebook(archived)
- SHADOWKNIGHT Supplemental Rules and Background for Amber DRPG(archived)
- REBMA - variants, additions and alternate rules developed over several years of Amber campaigning
- REBMA alternate Sorcery rules for Amber DRPG
- Amber trumps and art on Pinterest
- Ambercon 2000 quotes (funny :) )
- Amber Trumps and Art Collected From Around the Web
ADRPG Rules PDF's Online
Amber Art and Extras
Some Golden Circle Webring Graphics