A .- N -. 0 ----- B -... 0 --- 1 .---- C -.-. P .--. 2 ..--- D -.. Q --.- 3 ...-- E . R .-. 4 ....- F ..-. S ... 5 ..... G --. T - 6 -.... H .... U ..- 7 --... I .. V ...- 8 ---.. J .--- W .-- 9 ----. K -.- X -..- L .-.. Y -.-- ? ..--.. M -- Z --.. SOS Distress message K Over R Roger AS Wait BK Break 73 Best Regards 88 Love and kisses AR End of message SK End of transmission (also VA) CL Going off the air("clear") QSL I acknowledge receipt QSL? Do you acknowledge? QRX Wait QRX? Should I wait? QRV I am ready to copy QRV? Are you ready to copy? QRL The frequency is in use QRL? Is the frequency in use? QTH My location is... QTH? What is your location?
If the duration of a dot is taken to be one unit then that of a dash is three units. The space between the components of one character is one unit, between characters is three units and between words seven units. To indicate that a mistake has been made and for the receiver to delete the last word, send ........ (eight dots).