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“There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself.”
―Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings

- The Fighter's Garage - My old Krav Maga school in NOVA. I highly recommend it.
- 52blocksinfo
- Boxing Encyclopaedia
- Dan Lok - JKD drills and techniques
- Sports & Martial Arts - Kenpo Karate Techniques/Requirements
- Kali Kombat Youtube videos
- Master Wong Wing Chun - Tai Chi - JKD
- Kelly McCann aka Jim Grover combatives DVD's
- Kelly McCann aka Jim Grover Youtube videos (Black Belt Magazine)
- Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts
- Paul Vunak official JKD website
- Simple Self - Defense Youtube videos (Paul Vunak JKD and others)
- Intelligent Combat Applications Youtube videos (vintage military self-defense videos)
- FightTIPS
- Fight Vision Youtube videos
- Jesse LaFlair - Parkour videos
- HEMA Alliance
- HROARR - Resources for the Historical European Martial Arts and Sports Community
- Cold Steel - A Practical Treatise On The Sabre(PDF)
- The History & Sabre Suite - Youtube channel specializing in military sabre
- Academy of Historical Fencing - Military sabre lessons and drills on Youtube
- Academy of Historical Fencing - videos relating to the practice of historical European swordsmanship
- Academy of Historical Fencing - historical fencing treatises(PDFs)
- Easton Antique Arms - Revised Sword Exercise for the Royal Navy & British Army
- The Linacre School of Defence - fencing resources
- Broad-sword and Single-Stick by R. G. Allanson-Winn and C. Phillipps Wolley (PDF) - sabre for beginners
- Society for Creative Anachronism
- classicalfencing blogspot
- HEMA MISFITS (I don't do longsword) - Maxime Chouinard ——— Historical Martial Arts Researcher
- Scholagladiatoria
- Easton Antique Arms
- Lindybeige
- Knyght Errant
- Metatron
- Let's ask Seki Sensei | Online Katana Lessons
- Samurai and Ninja History with Antony Cummins
- Skallagrim
- Sword Encyclopedia - articles about swords, swordsmanship, bladesmithing, and more
- Schola Forum
- Sword Forum International
- - a Resource for Historic Arms and Armour Collectors
- HEMA Forum
- Martial Talk Forum
- Fighting Arts Forum
- Karate Forums
- History of Okinawa Karate
- Black Belt Magazine archived on Google
- San Diego Swordfighters - a group dedicated to the study and practice of Historical European Martial Arts
- San Diego Sabers - lightsabre training and fun
- Must See Martial Arts Movies List
- BlackFencer
- SoCal Swords (BlackFencer outlet in the United States)
- Kvetun Armoury
- Paul Chen/Hanwei Forge Swords(real)
- Regenyei Armory
- CAS Iberia - swords
- HEMA Shop
- Albion Swords
- Arms n Armor - historical replicas, historical weapon blogs
- SEIDO Budo Equipment
- kult of athena
- Cold Steel Knife and Tool Company
- Purple Heart Armory - training weapons, HEMA gear
- Darksword Armory (training sword section)
- KiSabers - Full combat light weapons
- The Pach Store - stunt/combat lightsabers