AC: -2
HP: 120
MOVE: 15"
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +1 or better weapon to hit
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 50% to all spells and spell-like powers regardless of caster level
ALIGNMENT: Neutral(Good)
PLANE: Partial Prime
FIGHTER: 16th level
THIEF: 16th level
SIZE: M(6', 180#)
(All psionic disciplines are used at 16th level of ability)
S:18/51(+2, +3) I:20 W:16
D:18 C:20 CH:17 CO:17
Morgan has the following psionic disciplines:
Animal Telepathy, Body Equilibrium, Cell Adjustment, Empathy,
ESP, Hypnosis, Object Reading, Precognition, Sensitivity to
Psychic impressions
Astral Projection, Body Control, Dimension Walk, Etherealness,
Mind Bar, Probability Travel, Shape Alteration, Telekinesis,
- Athletic and trim, with long, honey-blonde hair and eyes of sea blue.
- Appears to be in his early 30's.
- Adventurer, explorer, collector, and engineer.
- Adept in the arcane art of Technology.
- Has a sprawling residence on a small, hidden demi-plane where he lives with
his companion, the quasi-deity Fiona(MU/IL 18/14, CL 16, BD 12, TH 10).
The residence has a futuristic/art deco look.
- Usual attire: brown fedora, leather flight jacket, several pouches of holding,
bead Necklace of Defense(AC2).
- Always carries:
- a heavy blaster pistol in a thigh holster.
- a sword with a blade of blue-white energy that acts as a +5 Sword of
Sharpness which can cut through most materials.
- a ring of an unbreakable, bluish metal set with a magical arcturus stone.
This stone is one of a pair which formed together and can sense its mate
when nearby. It also allows its wearer to teleport without error to the
location of the other stone even if it is on a different plane. In addition,
the gem acts as a +3 luckstone.
- Often visits a demi-plane known as "Pandemonium"; a gathering place of
immortals, gods, and heroes, for wild revelries and merriments.
- There is a 90% chance that Morgan and Fiona will be encountered together.
- Morgan Star was born in the Rime Islands, son of a renowned merchant ship captain
and a powerful sea witch.
- Lived from 510 CY - 577 CY.
- Moved to the town of Aurora at age 17 to attend the university. Graduated in 530
CY. Lived in a large stone house 2 miles north of town, along the Lake Road, from
537 CY until 577 CY.
- Became a member of the Dead Parrot Society (a.k.a. the Companions of the Divine
Parrot), a close association of adventurers, explorers, and fortune hunters in 532 CY,
and remained so for life.
- Retained a suite at the DPS HQ in the Free City of Menagerie from 533 CY until his
departure from the world.
- Morgan is related to the ancient wizard-sage Arkm(MU25/DR23/IL21) by some
distant kinship.
- Encountered Fiona Moonfay on a far distant plane while each was on a quest to find
a hidden pool of magical radiance; a pool which was said to have granted Immortal
status and heightened abilities to several legendary figures in the distant past of both
worlds. Neither have been seen on their home plane since that time. . .
RANK: Celestial 1
SPHERE: Thought
SYMBOL: Brown Fedora
Magic Item - Fedora of Morgan:
1) Luck +2
2) Find Traps, 3 times/day
3) Acts as a Ring of Free Action