You are in the...

The area is bathed in a soft, golden-blue glow radiating from a spherical generator of unknown design, which steadily hums and crackles in the corner. As you enter the room, a small 'droid with a bad motivator cheerfully beeps at you from a recessed cybernook where it is busy downloading data.
In front of you, an assortment of odd-looking tools are laid upon an open parts catalogue and several creased schematics which are spread over a large wooden work table. The contents of several plastic parts bins have been carelessly dumped onto a square metal tray at the table's edge and the smell of heated solder hangs in the air....Someone has recently been at work here.
There are a number of projects scattered about in various states of completion. And it seems that one of those projects, a mechanical pterodactyl flying among the stalagtites above the ceiling grid, has noticed YOU.
It's probably friendly...
- Steve's Antique Technology - blog, vintage manuals, parts
- Phil's Old Radios - vintage radio and tv restoration
- Society of Robots
- Frank's Electron tube Pages
- Jameco
- Robotshop
- Scientifics Online
- OWI Robots
- Digikey
- Radio Shack
- Datasheet Archive - "world's largest free resource for electronic component datasheets"
- Future Electronics
- Radio Electronics - resources, design, components
- - NEETS USN Electronics Course PDF's
- NEETS - USN Electronics Course (archived)
- ALL ABOUT CIRCUITS - Online electronics textbook/lessons
- Learning about Electronics - articles, lessons, concepts, projects, reference tools
- EEVblog - "An off-the-cuff, video blog for electronics engineers, hobbyists, hackers, and makers"
- Grandadisanoldman
- RetroBrad electronics tuts
- w2aew vids
- Applied Science electronics vids
- MJLorton vids
- TVE course - basic electronics tuts
- PACE Worldwide - soldering tutorial videos
- humanHardDrive Electronics and Arduino tutorials
- Learn Engineering - "How it works" videos
- GreatScott! electronics tutorials
- Bowden's Hobby Circuits
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