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The sand table contains links to some old-school D&D forums, gaming resources, boardgame rules, several good blogs, and websites with free rpg and wargaming rules. Appendix N is a listing of various Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Adventure authors, books, and series for inspirational reading.

Type of Website Website Link
Old-School D&D Forum Dragonsfoot Forums
OD&D Forum Original D&D Discussion
OD&D/Old School RPG's Forum The Ruins of Murkhill
O/AD&D Forum Kinghts & Knaves Alehouse
Old TSR Worlds Forum The Piazza
AD&D/Greyhawk Forum Doomsday Message Boards
RPG Forum/Resources EN World
RPG Forum TheRPGsite
RPG Forum Pied Piper Forums(RJK)
Blackmoor Forum The Comeback Inn
Blackmoor and D&D Forum The Wayfarer's Inn
Play By Post RPG Forum The Unseen Servant
Play By Post RPG Forum Basic Fantasy RPG Forum
Tekumel Forum Chirine ba Kal
Game Index/Forum/Reviews RPG.NET
(A)D&D Resources/Companion Booklets/Clone Rules
RPG Resource Searchers of the Unknown - simple adventure rpg rules
D&D Mystara Resource Vaults of Pandius
D&D Mystara Resource Atlas of Mystara
D&D Blackmoor Resource The Blackmoor Archives
D&D Blackmoor Resource Dave Arneson's Website
D&D Resource The Acaeum - D&D Knowledge Compendium
D&D Resource The Hyborian Age
D&D Resource Tome of Treasures - publications and personalities
D&D Resource 6inchnails on Deviant Art - D&D Mystara maps galore!
D&D Resource Scruffy Grognard rules, manuals, maps
D&D Resource A Random Dungeon With X rooms
AD&D Rules Online AD&D Dungeonmaster's Guide - compiled by Prespos
AD&D Rules Online AD&D Spell Tables(archived)
AD&D Rules Online Unearthed Arcana plus some Q&A with Gary Gygax(archived)
D&D House Rules and Articles Olik's Archive - Other Writings
Empire of the Petal Throne Resource Tekumel::The World of the Petal Throne
Miniatures Reference Lost Minis Wiki
Marvel Superheroes RPG Resources ClassicMarvelForever
Marvel RPG and DC Universe Stats Ben Riely's Marvel RPG Page
D&D OSR Retroclone PDF Resource Taxidermic Owlbear
Greyhawk Resource grodog's Castle Greyhawk Archives
Greyhawk Quasi-Deities Murlynd, Heward, Keoghtom Dragon magazine article(archived)
Ancient Names Index Infernal Dreams
Game Resource freewargamesrules
Game Resource jimwallman free wargames
Game Resource Miniature Wargaming
Game System Rules Grey Ghost Press - FUDGE system 1995 rules
Game System Rules OpenD6 Books (WEG System)
Game System Rules The OpenD6 Project - SRD
Game System Rules Open Gaming Network - OGL game systems rules
Fantasy Maps and Forum Cartographer's Guild
Game Rules and Resources RPG Library - ICONS
Game Rules and Resources The Trove(archived) - gaming books pdfs
Game Rules and Resources Classic D&D rules and modules pdfs(archived)
Gaming Blog Playing D&D with Porn Stars
Gaming Blog Really Bad Eggs
Gaming Blog Planet Algol
Gaming Blog Greyhawk Grognard
Gaming Blog Grognardia
Gaming Blog Semper Initiativus Unum
Gaming Blog The Nine and Thirty Kingdoms
Gaming Blog Hill Cantons
Gaming Blog Zenopus Archives
Gaming Blog Mage of the Striped Tower
Gaming Blog Land of Nod
Gaming Blog The Mule Abides
Gaming Blog Hall of the Mountain King
Gaming Blog Breeyark
Gaming Blog Philotomy's OD&D Musings(archived)
Gaming Blog Cyclopeatron
Gaming Blog The Alexandrian. Art of Rulings
Gaming Blog ars ludi
Gaming Blog False Machine
Gaming Blog - Resource The Dungeon Dozen
Gaming Blog - Resource Blessings of the Dice Gods - Dungeon Dozen Fan Index
Gaming Blog Hack and Slash
Gaming Blog The Wasted Lands
Gaming Blog Havard's Blackmoor Blog
Gaming Blog Chirine's Workbench(archived)
Gaming Blog Hidden in Shadows
Gaming Blog Playing At The World
Gaming Blog/Resource Secrets of Blackmoor
Gaming Blog/Resource Blackmoor: Home of the Ancients(archived)
Gaming Blog/Resource Lake Geneva Original RPG Campaign(Rob Kuntz)
Gaming Blog Epic Saving Throw: A Grognard's Notebook
Gaming Blog Melancholies And Mirth
Gaming Blog Coins and Scrolls
Gaming Blog Against the Wicked City
Blackmoor Stories The Great Svenny(archived)
En Garde RPG Rules Elan En Garde Rules
SciFi TV/Film Blog Space:1970
Old School Star Trek Gaming Forum Old School Star Trek RPG
90's Star Wars Forum - Original Trilogy, West End Games RPG, EU books Beggar's Canyon
Miniatures Forum Lead Adventure Forum
Classic Game Rules PDF's magisterrex Retro Games
Traditional Games Rules Masters Traditional Games
Boardgames BoardGameGeek - boardgame forum, database, reviews
Boardgames Matt Wilkins - boardgame reviews (videos)
Boardgames Tabletop Island - boardgame reviews (videos)
Dice Shop The Dice Shop Online
Dice Shop Awesome Dice
Mapmaking Hexographer
Dragon Magazine Index The DragonDex
Dragon Magazine PDFs Dragon Magazine(archived)
Electronic Game Manuals and RPG Magazines Archive Annarchive Index
Wargaming Zines Archives Doug's Diplomacy
Wargaming Zines Archives Diplomacy World
RPG Reference Site Wayne's Books
Worldwide FANDOM CONS listings and schedules

Here on the chess table are some sites with fun chess problems and puzzles, lessons and tips.

Here are some links to websites with all sorts of card game rules. Pick a card...any card.

Here are links to some computer game "Let's Plays" on Youtube that are very cool - both for the particular game itself and for the person doing the commentary. There are also a couple of links to computer game sites and blogs:


10 Amnesia: The Dark Descent Let's Play by theRadBrad 20 The Last of Us Let's Play by theRadBrad 30 Penumbra Let's Play by Freadly Brenderson 40 Fallout 3 Let's Play by VGPaticus 50 Mass Effect 3 Let's Play by Darnoc 60 The Cave Let's Play by LunairEclipse 70 Journey Let's Play by TheAdiposeTV 80 Fallout New Vegas Let's Play by Squee913 90 Maniac Mansion Let's Play by MysteriousJG 100 Zak Mckracken Let's Play by MysteriousJG 110 Secret of Monkey Island (Special Edition) Let's Play by Dave McCauley 120 Monkey Island 2 (Special Edition) Let's Play by Necroscope86 130 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Let's Play by Ikari86YT 140 The Wolf Among Us Let's Play by ChristopherOdd 150 Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs Let's Play by ChristopherOdd 160 Let's Play American McGee's Alice by FrozenFoxy 170 Let's Play Space Quest by Dilandau3000 180 Hogwarts Legacy Walkthrough by theRadBrad 190 Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Walkthrough by theRadBrad 200 Gaming After 40 - computer adventure game blog 210 Raph Koster's Website - computer games, game design, digital art 220 SoftSide Magazine(Internet Archive) - 80's computer games

My computer game PORTAL

Arkm's OD&D Page

There is a door in the north wall.