You are in the...


Picture of home library room

This room is quite grand, running nearly half the length of the long entry hall, with towering windows along the west wall and shelves of beautiful cherry wood rising two storeys in height - shelves packed to capacity with books, tomes, and scrolls of all shapes, sizes, and ages. For all of that, it manages to retain a cozy charm.

Just out of sight, a giant, blue globe is the centerpiece of the library along with a sizeable stone hearth, sitting idle now that summer has come. Comfortable little reading nooks are scattered throughout the room. There is a door on the second level balcony.

I love to read and my collection is always growing. Feel free to borrow anything you like. You know, that little fuzzy couch in the corner there beneath the arched window is a nice place to read...

Spinning TARDIS

Many of the old worlds are still there to explore if one wishes to travel the wibbly wobbly ways.

Oh, I almost forgot this little, webby corner. Someone really should dust behind here once in a while. Just sayin'.

Spider hanging from web

...And back here, through this curtained archway, are portals to some very extensive online libraries.



