- Theoi Greek Mythology
- GreekMythology.com
- GreekGods.org
- Mythologie Grecque - Interpretation of Greek Mythology
- God Checker - guide to the gods
- Ancient Egypt the Mythology
- Egyptian Mythology For Smart People
- Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
- Norse Mythology For Smart People
- Native American Lore
- Native American Indian Legends and Folklore
- American Folklore
- Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts
- Encyclopedia Mythica
- Solar Mythology and the Jesus Story
- Overly Sarcastic Productions (Youtube videos on mythology and history)
- Bard Mythologies - Irish Mythology & Folk Legend
- The NET Bible - highly accurate translation including footnotes
- Gods-and-Monsters
- Tairis - "A Gaelic Polytheist Website"
- Mary Jones (website) - Celtic mythology, stories, customs, history
- Let's Talk Religion - Youtube videos about world religions
- Mysteries of Mythology - Youtube videos about myths and legends from around the world
- Mythology Unleashed - Youtube videos on world mythology
- Kiwi Hellenist(blog) - articles on Greek language, literature, and myth