Here is a random (and evergrowing) collection of treasures that were liberated by
Mrak The Barbarian a few years ago during the sack of Venarium...
Barry's Temple Of Godzilla
Creepy Classics - monster movies hq
The Ray Harryhausen Creature List
Classic Monsters - horror movie resource
B Monster (archive)
Ultraman TV series (
Johnny Sokko's Robot TV series on Yidio
Wikizilla - The encyclopedia of Godzilla, Gamera, King Kong, Toho monsters and more.
Godzilla Universal(archived)
Godzilla Stomp::Goji Stomp(archived)
Godzilla Shrine(archived)
SF Site - "The Home Page for Science Fiction and Fantasy"
Chronicles - Science Fiction and Fantasy Community
SciFi Station
Den of Geek
Den of Geek - Black Sails (pirates)
Can't Take the Sky - Firefly
babylonfive.neocities - a good Bab5 resource
Sector 001 - Star Trek simulation games
ST Archive
Encyclopedia Of Arda - huge Tolkien resource
Tolkien Gateway - huge Tolkien resource
Zelazny & Amber - Roger Zelazny trivia
The - Star wars
The 2009) - "Your daily dose of Star Wars"
Classic Dr Who Series
The - All things Indiana Jones
Fortune and Glory - Indiana Jones forum
Indy Lounge - "Welcome to the World of Robert E Howard"
Adelaide - Robert E Howard books online - REH books online
Roy Glashan's Library - Robert E Howard books online
Howard Works - Robert E. Howard Bibliography
The Conan Completist - website dedicated to the movie Conan the Barbarian
The Ultimate Conan Fan Blog
Howard History - a repository for the Robert E. Howard-related writings of Rob Roehm
spraguedecampfan - A blog about Robert E. Howard, L. Sprague de Camp, and Conan the Barbarian…
ERBZine - Edgar Rice Burroughs
ERBlist - Exploring the Life and Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs
John Coleman Burroughs Website
Danton Burroughs Website - grandson of Edgar Rice Burroughs
John Carter of Mars Website
Pellucidar Website
Tarzana Website - History of Tarzana
Edgar Rice Burroughs official website
ERB books online
Barsoomian - ERB Barsoom books online
The Eldritch Dark - The Sanctum of Clark Ashton Smith (Ian Fleming novels section)
Starship Dimensions - Jeff Russell's giant starship scale poster
Dirk Loechel's Sci-fi Spaceship Comparison Chart
Russell's Guide to Interdimensional Entities - art and descriptions
Brian's Drive-In Theater
The Language of Mid-World (Dark Tower Glossary)
The H.P. Lovecraft Archive
Starlog Magazine (Internet Archive)
Egor's Chamber of TV Horror Hosts
Fangoria Magazine Archives
Weird Tales Magazine Archives
Librarium Cthulhuvius - Classic Mythos Stories Online
A Wiki Of Ice And Fire - Game of Thrones Wiki
Black Gate - Adventures in Fantasy Literature
OLD WEST - articles about life in the Old West
Taylor's & Company - Old West firearms dealer
The Single Action Shooting Society - The Home of Cowboy Action Shooting
DiscountMags - Guns Of The Old West Magazine
Luminist Archives - Weird Tales Magazine
The Comic Book Database
Writeups - in-depth character profiles from comics, games, movies
Comic Book Plus - online comics
Digital Comic Museum
Pulp Magazines Project
Open Culture - cool stuff online
Fury Comics
Comic Web - online comics
Legions of Gotham - all about Batman
The World's Finest - The DC Animated Resource
Marvel Animation Age - Marvel cartoons
ANIMATED - Marine Boy
WatchCartoonsOnline - Speed Racer episodes
GEN CON - held in Indianapolis
Worldcon - The World Science Fiction Convention
DRAGON CON - held in Atlanta, GA
GARY CON - tabletop rpg con in memory of Gary Gygax, held in Lake Geneva, WI
DaveCon - tabletop rpg con in memory of Dave Arneson, held near Minneapolis, MN
Facts and Details - world topics
Britannica Online
World History Encyclopedia
TheFreeDictionary - dictionary, thesaurus, acronyms, idioms, encyclopedia
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Oxford Online Dictionary
Cambridge Dictionary and Thesaurus
Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus
Urban Dictionary
BoxRec - world boxing wiki encyclopedia
Fire Mountain Gems
The Fossil Forum - fossil hunting
Fossil Era - fossils for sale Forums
Cave Chat Forums - geoscience, maps, much more - Rock, Gem and Mineral Shops in the United States
The Rock Shed
Moab Rock Shop
The Gem Shop
Mail Order Gems
Metaphysical Vibes - Crystals and Stones
VCoins - ancient coins seller
Old Coin Shop
Doug Smith's Ancient Coins - An Educational Site on Roman Coins, Greek Coins and other Ancient Coins
Hidden San Diego
Antiquity Echoes - "An evocative journey through the abandoned"
Infiltration: the zine about going places you're not supposed to go
Retail Archaeology(Youtube channel)
AllTrails - "Best trails in United States of America"
Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA)
Ron Lutz II - Pennsic War photo galleries
Crafty Celts - Fine Handcrafted Jewelry (These guys made the jewelry for the Vikings TV show)
Master Ark's Fine Medieval Jewelry ~ Cloak Clasps, Brooches, and Talismans
Valhalla Horns - drinking horns
SCA Leather Armor - armor, clothing, replicas, accessories, more
Ironmonger Armory
Minneapolis Leather Co - leather pouches on Etsy
Dark Victory Armory - medieval belts, rattan, SCA basket hilts, etc on Etsy
Squat the Planet
Hitch the World
Make My Drive Fun - attractions to see along your route
Roadside America
Historic Route 66 - turn-by-turn description
Allstays - listings for US campgrounds, motels, truck stops, rest areas, etc
The American Discovery Trail
Traveling with Kristin - videos on world travel
U.S. Naval Observatory - The Sky This Week
Stargazers Lounge - astronomy forum
Cloudy Nights - astronomy forum
Interactive Online Planetarium
Meteor Showers Online
Stellarium - free open source planetarium for your computer
Earth and Moon Viewer and Solar System Explorer
Stargazing Network
The Sky LIVE - "Your guide to the Solar System and the night sky"
World Space Flight - a brief history of manned space flight
The Space Review - articles, commentary, and reviews regarding all aspects of space exploration - 'space news from around the web'
Smithsonian - digital library
Primitive Ways - primitive skills
Puget Sound Knappers
Wilderness College
Paleomanjim Youtube vids - flint knapping
Wilderness forums
Paleo Planet
Wildwood Survival
Scouting Resources - knots
Andy's Most Useful Knots
Foxfire - Appalachian heritage - books, magazines, locally-made goods, and more
Outdoor Survival Skills by Larry Dean Olsen (paperback, Amazon)
Wild Edible, Foraging: How to Find Wild Food
Fandabi Dozi (traditional highlander skills)
Primitive Technology - Youtube channel
Reallybigmonkey1 - Youtube channel
Coalcracker Bushcraft - Youtube channel
Scotty's Gone Walkabout - Youtube channel
Identify that Plant
First Nature - wildflowers, trees, animals
Will Lord Prehistoric Survival - Youtube channel
ITS Tactical / Imminent Threat Solutions
Brandon Herrera - Youtube channel
9-Hole Reviews - firearm reviews videos
The Chieftain - videos about tanks, tanks, tanks!
Gunboards: For Collectors, By Collectors
The Firearms Forum
The High Road
The Firing Line Forums
Old School Fishing Secrets
Spew Radio Inc. - Welcome to the CB Experience
CB World - CB Lingo Page
Trucker Country - CB Terminology and Trucker Slang
CB - huge list of slang, city nicknames, and 10-codes
Antique Radios: The Collector Resource - forums, resources, antique photos, local clubs
American Songwriter: Behind the Song - Greatful Dead: Greatest Stories Ever Told
Alex Allan’s Grateful Dead Lyric and Song Finder
The official RUSH website - discography and band info
Judas Priest official website - albums/lyrics page
Everything Music by Rick Beato (videos)
Carl Baldassarre (Professor of Classic Rock) - videos on music history, theory, composition analysis, Led Zeppelin
Basic Sailing Lessons (Kansas Sailing - Youtube)
Beginner's Sailing (yeadonsailingclub Youtube)
Sailing 101 with Richard Knight (CDNIS Sailing - Youtube)
Maryland School of Sailing (vids - Youtube)
NauticEd - online sailing courses
Nautilus Sailing - online sailing courses
Boatsafe - nautical terms
School of Sailing - nautical glossary
100r (hundred rabbits) website
Military Factory - WWI aircraft
The Aerodrome - WWI aircraft
Military Factory - WWII aircraft
Aerospaceweb - Airplane Museum
History Central
World Naval Ships Forum
Military History Online
Combat Aircraft forum
War On The Rocks - a platform for analysis and debate on strategy, defense, and foreign affairs.
Modern War Institute at West Point - research and analysis of world conflicts
Mike's Research - military history blog
Medieval Warfare
Urban Valor - "We share the incredible stories of Veterans..."
TCAV TV - "Taylor Cavanaugh is the only United States Navy SEAL/French Foreign Legionnaire."
The Shadowlands - ghost stories, haunted places
Mufon - UFO news
Crowded Skies links
Openminds TV - UFOs
Ancient Origins
Unexplained Mysteries Forum
The Cryptid Zoo
The Bigfoot Classics
The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization
North America Bigfoot Search
Legend of Nessie
The Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register
Above Top Secret forum
National UFO Reporting Center
Occultopedia - "the premier Internet index of the paranormal, occult, and inexplicable"
Rebel magic - learn tricks
Learn Magic
Sports Reference - sports stats
World Wrestling Federation - Wrestling Title History
MLB online (baseball)
National Baseball Hall of Fame
MLB Classics Playlist(Youtube)
Classic Baseball Radio Broadcasts
A Short History Of Annandale, Virginia
Pro Football Reference (Washington Redskins team)
Legends of NASCAR
NASCAR Hall of Fame
NASCAR Historical Database
Racing Legends Podcast - Stories of NASCAR, IndyCar, Formula 1
Race Fans Forever
Decades of Racing
Vintage Computer Forums
Carey Holzman - computer build vids
Eli The Computer Guy - networking, computer repair vids
The 8-Bit Guy
YBET Windows and DOS course, computer networks and hardware courses
Perifractic's Retro Recipes
tranquileye - hacker culture
The Cheapskate's Guide to Computers and the Internet
The Cheapskate's Guide to Computers and the Internet
Wilson Mines Co. - 6502 (& related) microprocessor articles, primers, tutorials, and links
ASCII by Jason Scott - Jason Scott's Weblog
ASCII Art Archive
ASCII Art Collection
1 Line Art
Star Wars Asciimation
Ascii Pictures by Allen Mullen
Ascii Picture Collections
Links to ASCII Art Web Pages
joan stark's ASCII Art Gallery
Art Scene - the computer art collection
Bleeping Computer
Tech Support Guy
Tech Support Forum
Instructables: Yours for the making
Diamond Select Toys
BB TOY Store - Bandai Japan
The Armory - replicas
Diecast Direct
Retro Toys and Games (ETSY)
Tamiya Models
Board Game Museum - Youtube videos
PlaidStallions toy catalog archive
Dinosaur toys Collectors Guide
Plastic Soldier Review
Old Plastic Model Kits
Rocketfin Hobbies Scale Model Kits and Supplies
The People History - Popular Vintage Toys by decade
Timewarp Toys - Vintage Old Toys & Collectibles For Sale
Entertainment Earth - mint condition vintage toys for sale
The Micronauts Homepage - "Welcome to the first, and longest running web page dedicated to the Micronauts!"
Jedi Temple Archives - Your Source For Star Wars Collectible News, Reviews, and Archives
BMC Toys - plastic soldiers, vehicles, fortifications, dinosaurs, cowboys, etc
Vintage Toy Emporium
The MEGO Museum
Dinosaur Toy Blog
Basic Flying Lessons
Basic Flying Lessons
Flight Radar - All the planes in the sky
MZeroA Online Ground School
King Pilot Ground School
Gold Seal Online Ground School
Gleim Aviation Online Ground School
Ascent Ground School(lots of free info and resources)
Navy Flight Manuals - Air Combat Maneuvering Index
Desktop Aviator - flight simulator circuit boards and parts
My Pilot Store - training books, sims, aircraft supplies
FAA - Aviation Handbooks & Manuals PDF's
Blue Angels website
Fighter Pilot Podcast (Youtube Channel)
The Fighter Pilot Podcast (website)
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Catalog of Active Space Probes
Random Google Street Views Around The World
Bizarre Stuff - Bizarre Labs
TV Tropes
Slang from the 70s
Fifties Web - 1950s, 60s and 70s
Retronaut - Photographic Time Machine
Anydice - Dice Probability Calculator
Online Guitar Tuner
What Was There - Historical photos of what was
WolframAlpha - What do you want to know about?
Satellite flybys
Map of global wind and weather conditions
Map of global ocean currents
reddit - blackmagicfuckery
Train Driver's View (Youtube)
In The 00s - The Pop Culture Information Society...
The Unknown Movies - The Obscure, Unknown, and Little Shown
Joe Scott - Youtube videos about many different topics
The Old Robots Website
The Document Which Used To Be Called The MIT Lockpicking Guide
New York Songlines - Virtual Walking Tours of Manhattan Streets
Pinball Rebel - pinball, jukeboxes, arcades, drive-ins...
the Giant List of Classic Game Programmers
highways-are-liminal-spaces (#Midwest Gothic - Tumblr)
Starring The Computer - Computers in Movies and Television
Electronic Plastic - museum of vintage hand-held and tabletop games
Cocodile Hunter Website (Steve Irwin)
Castles on the Web
Castles of the World
History of Mazes and Labyrinths
Faery Forest
Jo Edkins' Website Index
JACK MOUNT'S HOME PLACE .... (links to many subjects of interest)
FANDOM - Black Company Wiki
pointless sites
Graffiti From Pompeii
A Brief History of the Internet by Walt Howe
Every Noise At Once (examples of every musical genre in existence, lists of genres by country)
interactive fiction archive
The Alchemy Web Site (organized by Adam McLean)
Florida's Lost Tourist Attractions
Book Series In Order
"This is the travel photography site of Alfred Molon"
THE GREEK AGE OF BRONZE - Weapons and warfare in the late Helladic time 1600-1100 BC - Scotland history, clans, famous people
Damn Interesting - Science, History, and Psychology Since 2005
Lost Media Wiki
MetaFilter | Community Weblog
Something Awful Forums
Museum of Unnatural History
Every Celtic Thing on the Web: Angus Og's HOTLINKS TO THE CELTS
The Encyclopedia Mythica
Pib's Home on the Web - hobbies, mythology, pirates, cryptozoology, more
Here Be Dragons! - "online dragon resource for everything you want to know about dragons"
WindowSwap - "Open a new window somewhere in the world"
UbuWeb - a web-based educational resource for avant-garde material available on the internet - Exploring the History of Information and Media through Timelines
Wayne's This And That - huge website covering a variety of topics and interests
Model Ships in the Cinema
Model Aircraft in the Cinema
Kings Dominion(amusement park) Historical Maps
South Of The Border - "America’s favorite highway oasis & gateway to the southeast!"
British Library blogs - a fun site
Creepypasta - Scary Stories and Original Horror Fiction
Logopedia - history of company logos, popular branding and more
Stop Motion Works
Strange New England: A Field Guide to New England's Legends, Folklore, Curious History & Weird Destinations
zoomquilt - zoom into the painting forever...
Drive & Listen - realtime views of driving in cities all around the world
Snack History – Candy Nostalgia
(Wildflower Center)Native Plants of North America - "The most comprehensive database of native plants for North America"
99% Invisible - "the unnoticed architecture and design that shape our world"
Moe's Boomerabilia - pop culture '50's to '70's - "Your daily source for all things TV, movies, and games" - all about Jazz (Internet Archive)
149 Optical Illusions & Visual Phenomena + Explanations by Michael Bach
Living Worlds
Old Book Illustrations
The Public Domain Review
Castles and Manor Houses around the World - starforts around the world
Know Your Meme
CRW Flags - "Flags of the World"
The World of Monkey Island (archived)
The Farmer's Novelty Telephone Notebook (archived)
The Museum of Lost Wonder
24 TimeZones - World Clock and Map
Fold'NFly - Paper Airplane Designs
Wayne's Word - An On-Line Textbook of Natural History
Lyrics On Demand - lyrics from all music genres, tv themes, lullabies, national anthems, etc.
Dreamwidth Studios - a home for creative artists of all types
anecdotage online - anecdotes from all over
HurricaneCity - "Providing hurricane statistics for cities in the Atlantic basin for over 25 years."
Rain Forest Splendors - Stern's splendors of the rain forest
Garden Web World - Art Crimes, The Writing on the Wall
Rare Historical
The Spaghetti Western Database
Erowid - Documenting the Complex Relationship Between Humans and Psychoactives
Castle Quest - Medieval castles forum
Echo Gillette - Art and more
CollegeHumor - Adam Ruins Everything
truTV - Adam Ruins Everything
JoergSprave - The Slingshot Channel
Ralph the Moviemaker - movie reviews
Modern History TV - explore the knight's world and living in Medieval times
Adam Savage’s Tested
Nerd of the Rings
Smarter Every Day
Smarter Every Day 2
Star Wars Theory
Lore Star (Star Wars)
Corey's Datapad (Star Wars)
EckhartsLadder (Star Wars)
Matt Harding (Where the Hell is Matt?)
Drachinifel - historical naval ships/navies, naval battles
Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. - some fascinating biblical scholarship
ColdFusion - Tech, Internet, History, Finance
Welcome to Kitty City by Cyriak - Really cool. Just watch it.
Wisecrack - video commentary on a wide range of interesting topics
Veritasium - science and technology
The Youtube site of JUDAS PRIEST
EC Henry - Sci Fi, Star Trek/Star Wars spaceships, etc
Resurrected Starships
DC Comics channel
Let's ask Shogo | Your Japanese friend in Kyoto
Tolkien Lore
Folding Ideas - Deconstructing the Craft of Visual Narrative
Lindsay Ellis - movies, movie reviews, moviemaking
Tod's Workshop - Medieval missile weapons, trebuchets, blades, castles
KEXP - a UW Seattle radio station with live performances of all music styles!
The Why Files
Cogito - history, religion, people, questions
UsefulCharts - history, religion, mythology
Underrated - obscure/unknown bands/songs
This is Dan Bell. - dead malls, creepy places, ghosthunting, etc
The Modern Rogue - many interesting topics
Bright Insight - history's mysteries, UFO's, CIA files, etc
Weird Fantastic Toy Adventures
Climate Town - Rollie Williams and a ragtag team of climate communicators, creatives and comedians...
Ryan Chapman - "Thinker of general human concerns"
Quinn's Ideas - "I make nerdy videos"
TREY the Explainer - anthropology, paleontology, cryptozoology, ancient mythology, and religion
SandRhoman History - History, Science, and Stories
The Life Guide - "Learn about anything from The Mongol Empire to the Greek Gods in just a few minutes."
The Gravel Institute - culture, politics, economics, world events, technology
Johnny Harris - "Independent journalist making videos that help you better understand the world"
Cynthia Rothrock
Scott Adkins - martial arts films, interviews, behind the scenes
Goldenbell Training - Bruce Lee, kung fu training, martial arts trends
Seth Skorkowsky - role-playing games, tabletop philosophies, How-Tos, and other nerdly things.
BECMI Berserker - BECMI D&D
Hexed Press - RPGs, D&D, OSR Games, more
Bob World Builder - "makin' dnd more fun!"
Earthmote - old school RPGs, running a hexcrawl campaign, creating a sandbox
Bandit's Keep - "RPG advice and discussion. Let's talk gaming!"
Brass Goggles list of websites - An online home for the Steampunk movement
The Steampunk Tribune
The Steampunk Workshop - "The best animated airship" video
Project Cyberpunk - The Cyberpunk Library
Project Cyberpunk - Cyberpunk Book List
The Cyberpunk Reading List
BUY STUFF - airline tickets, travel
Lulu - The World's Largest Independent Bookstore
RPGNOW - The Leading Source for Indie RPGs
DriveThru RPG - The Largest RPG Download Store!
Ral Partha Legacy - rpg gaming miniatures
Noble Knight Games - rpg's, wargames, boardgames, minis
Modiphius(US) Entertainment - rpg games and minis (Conan, John Carter, Dune, Cthulhu, Star Trek, more)
Wargame Vault - The largest wargame download store
Dell Computers
Think Geek
Catawiki - Weekly auctions for special objects
VarageSale - Nationwide online garage sale
Surplus Gizmos
Indiegogo Product Marketplace
Skidmore's - Natural treatments for all the leather and wood in your life
Revzilla - motorcycle gear and accessories
BikeBandit - motorcycle parts
Cheap Cycle Parts
Ivan's Fast Bikes - best motorcycle repair shop in San Diego!
Shop Gadgets and Gizmos - "amazing and innovative selection of gadgets, gizmos, electronic items, novelties, games, and lifestyle enrichment gifts"
DiscountMags - Discount Magazine Subscriptions
SANGEAN - radios and more
TheYaYaShoppe (Etsy) - Awesome hippie bead necklaces!
The website of Jamie Zawinski, one of the founders of Netscape
Richard Stallman's Personal Site
Justin Hall's personal site growing & breaking down since 1994
Grubb Street - Jeff Grubb's Ruminations, Comments, and Other Nonsense
Black Gate: Adventures in Fantasy Literature (Lawrence Schick's blog)
Opposite Over Adjacent (Tumblr blog)
piero scaruffi - website about music, history, politics, philosophy, cinema, name it
Return to the 80s
Joel On Software
Dan Luu - understandable explanations of technical topics
Idle Words
EEvee - blog, art, devlog
Caitlin Johnstone blog - "I write about the end of illusions."
Linda's Nostalgia Place
The Home page of Randy Constan (alias Peter Pan)
Cate's Garage Sale Finds
(Ye Castle of) Anthony Thyssen
...some more of Anthony Thyssen
The Iconocaves
...and Iconoweb map
Richard Carrier Blogs - ancient philosophy, religion, and science, origins of Christianity
The travel photography site of Alfred Molon with over 35000 travel, nature, landscape and adventure photos
Jagow's Astronomy Pages
Mole Manor Observatory
Wilson's Warblers - "This site is decidated to wildlife and plants seen in the world around us."
Meaghan's Page
The Silver Elves blogspot
Elves in Paradise: The Enchanted Realms of the Silver Elves
The Obscuritory: For Games Unplayed and Unknown
Dinosaur Dracula - retro fun
Who is Tom Bombadil?
Motorcycle Touring On Freedom Road
Surreal 3D Art by David Camp
Christopher B. Siren's website - myths and legends, space science, SF, more
John Kenneth Muir's Reflections on Cult Movies and Classic TV
John Kenneth Muir blog old Wordpress blog
Haptalaon - Hearth & Horn / Chaos & Craft
Programming, Motherfucker
Zed Shaw blog
Alf's Room - Japanese hobby site with many interesting rooms
Up and Down These Mean Streets - The official website of Don Herron
French Foreign Legion Stories & Information
The Wonders of Italy - "This blog invites readers to explore the cultural dimension of Italy in greater depth."
Jeff's Robots
Our Place
Castle of Anthony Thyssen
The Honest Broker - Ted Gioia's website/blog all about music, writing, and culture
Realm of Myth and Fantasy
The John C. Lilly Homepage - scientific visionary and explorer, cetaceans
the ace black movie blog - reviews of classic and current movies
Nightfall City - a collection of small websites and blogs
Still Drinking
Waffle Whiffer Zone - blog featuring classic logos, advertising characters, toys, commercials...
World Wide Words: Investigating the English Language Across the Globe
Weird Fantastic Toy Adventures - toys, cartoons, comics, movies, TV shows, pop culture, and 70s & 80s Gen-X nostalgia
The Flying Kiwi - Richard Seaman's world travelogue
Raven's Branch - Sci-Fi film ships, painting, kitbashing, wargames, Galactica size research
Fuzzy Notepad - blog, web programming, gamedev, misc
The Latter Day Saint Organist - blog of organ lessons, articles, and resources by Jennifer
Slap Happy Larry - a blog about narrative theory for storytelling technique geeks.
Ferrets Homepage
Tales and Travels of the Tinman
Ursula K Le Guin's Blog - late night fragments of fiction & dream, tenuously connected by gossamer threads, written and created by vixen phillips aka lilli.
Rose Dreams - the website of Eirene Evripidou
Ere Anon -- Stories (Steve Marsh)
Bow Vs. Musket
Yesterday's Airlines - aviation history and die cast model airliners
Badger.Org - a website about the animal, texts of classic books, the works of Shakespeare
EnglishRussia - culture, humor, history, art, science in Russia - a traveler's photo gallery of birds and mammals from around the world Patric Jordan - computer programming, jokes, motorcycles, more
Sixties City - Bringin' on back the good times
Mike's Take On The Movies - Rediscovering Cinema's Past
Construction Physics - a newsletter about the technology and economics of building construction
USS Excelsior BBS - Star Trek and Sci-Fi BBS on Telnet
Wildcat's Castle BBS
Fun On The Terminal - public Telnet ascii art, games, etc
Telnet BBS Guide

McMansion Hell - architecture and architecture gone wrong
A reimagining of LOTR by Scrap Princess on Playing D&D With Porn Stars
DM of the Rings
Mr Plinkett's scathingly funny video reviews of the Star Wars Prequel abominations
Blur Studio - A Gentlemen's Duel (video)
The Duel At Blood Creek - Comedy short film
Leeeeroy Jenkins
"SEAGULLS! (Stop It Now)" -- A Bad Lip Reading of The Empire Strikes Back
The Oracle of Bacon - find the Bacon Number of any actor
THACO: The Movie (2008)
Poem_for_your_sprog - reddit
Uncyclopedia - a satirical parody of Wikipedia
The Internet Oracle (a.k.a. The Usenet Oracle) (archived)
motherfucking website
The 213 Things Skippy is no longer allowed to do in the Army
Glory to Gowron!
Chuck Norris Jokes
Funny Meme Collection
Charlie the Unicorn 1-5: The Complete Series (FilmCow Youtube video - remastered from the mid 2000's)
Dr Demento - Bulbous Bouffant
Hampton Hampster's Hamster House - funny memes, tweets, and stories
Don't Hug Me .I'm Scared - Youtube, satire
Black People Love Us!
The Top 100 Things I'd Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord
The Political Compass - articles and podcasts
Good News Network - Good news, Inspiring, Positive Stories
CNET - tech news
Hacker News - news and interesting topics from around the Net
reddit: the front page of the internet
The Register - enterprise technology news
Orion Magazine - nature news
Smithsonian Magazine
Sapiens Anthropolgy Magazine
Noema Magazine - "exploring the transformations sweeping our world"
Collectors Weekly - news, culture, collectibles, vintage
All That's Interesting - History, Science, News
Slashdot - "News for nerds, stuff that matters"
Boing Boing - "A Directory of Mostly Wonderful Things"